Sex Addiction Therapy San Diego
Time for Succes Live Life Without Regret
The primary goal of treatment is to enable an individual to understand the power one has to modify a negative sense of self, while promoting functional patterns of sexual behaviors.
There is not a consensus on the definition of sex addiction. The medical models of hypersexual disorder, obsessive/compulsive disorder and chemical dependency are most often cited as frameworks in attempts to categorize the sexual disorder of sex addiction. The National Council on Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity has defined sexual addiction as “engaging in persistent and escalating patterns of sexual behavior acted out despite increasing negative consequences to self and others.” The behaviors continue despite the potential risks to one’s self with regard to finances, relationships, and physical and mental health.
Unlike the goal in treatment of chemical dependency, which is abstinence from use of all psychoactive substances, the therapeutic goal in sexual addiction is abstinence only from compulsive sexual behavior with adaptation of healthy sexuality.